Commercial Space Technologies Ltd. (CST) is a consultancy company registered and based in London Consultancy
CST uses its long experience and established contacts to offer the best expertise from the UK, Europe and Asian countries. This allows us to economically produce in-depth consultancy reports on a wide range of topics, from technical reviews and trajectory analysis to market surveys. These are added to our database of over 700 reports, which has become a large repository of detailed information on space technology, markets, and more.
Trading Opportunities
With the contacts and experience that CST has gained in Europe and Asian countries and beyond, it is also able to offer unique trading opportunities, facilitating interactions on site with an international team. These techniques have also been applied by CST to manage satellite development projects (such as Kanopus) between Eastern and Western companies.
About Us
Since its foundation in 1983, Commercial Space Technologies has been dedicated to providing the space industry with the highest quality of launch brokerage, management and consultancy services, which helps to keep CST partners and customers at the leading edge of their field. The company is engaged in numerous fields of activity, supporting players in both upstream and downstream space markets, service providers in the insurance and legal sectors, space agencies (such as NASA, ESA and UKSA) and even new/aspiring entrants to the industry.
Covering technical conferences
with in-country expertsBRONZE
- Full conference coverage
- Collating and relaying all conference materials
- Reporting (in English) on key information from sessions (including questions and answers) and exhibitions
- Full conference coverage
- Collating and relaying all conference materials
- Reporting (in English) on key information from sessions (including questions and answers) and exhibitions
- Analysis of information and material gathered
- Full conference coverage
- Collating and relaying all conference materials
- Reporting (in English) on key information from sessions (including questions and answers) and exhibitions
- Analysis of information and material gathered
- Client representation
the latest thing that happened in space
“established relationships with launch providers in key Asia-Pacific regions including India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand”

Study CompletionCommercial Space Technologies (CST) is proud to announce the successful completion of the “Magdrive propelled Kick-Stage Enabling Competitiveness for UK Launch” market feasibility study for Magdrive. This project marks a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to support innovative companies such as Magdrive by leveraging our expertise in market analysis, utilization of data science,Read More…

Magdrive Kick-Stage Feasibility Study: Elevating UK Launch CompetitivenessStudy CompletionCommercial Space Technologies (CST) is proud to announce the successful completion of the “Magdrive propelled Kick-Stage Enabling Competitiveness for UK Launch” market feasibility study for Magdrive. This project marks a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to support innovative companies such as Magdrive by leveraging our expertise in market analysis, utilization of data science,Read More…

Commercial Space Technologies Ltd. (CST) is a consultancy company registered and based in London.Commercial Space Technologies Ltd. has a database of over 700 reports, either commissioned by customers or generated internally to improve and broaden the range of space consultancy services we offer. If you have a research requirement, you can search here for related CST report titles from the last 5 years and contact us over any topics or titles of interest.
European Spaceport Review
World Launcher Review 2015-2016
Launch Vehicle Market Potential
tel: +44 (0)20 8840 1082 fax: +44 (0)20 8840 777667 Shakespeare Rd. Hanwell London W7 1LU
67 Shakespeare Road, Hanwell, W71LU. London, UK